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Plumper lips without injections?! City Lips Review

With injections and plastic surgery so popular in the media, its no surprise that a lot of people are rushing out to get work done. Now, don't get me wrong, if I had the extra $500 laying around, I'd probably do the same too. Probably...or maybe not. I don't totally dislike the way I look, I wouldn't mind some updates here and there. But I do have the fear of something going wrong and looking worse. So, instead of resorting to botox and injections, I really try to take care of myself and use skincare products to keep myself looking as youthful as I can. Aging is inevitable, but I can at least try to do it gracefully. We can get into the whole routine another time, right now I want to specifically talk about lips. Yes yes, those luscious things that keep getting bigger and bigger all over the internet. When I was in college I was on the hunt for a natural way to increase lip size, not by a lot, but just enough to give me a sassier pout. While I did come across the lip g

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