Plumper lips without injections?! City Lips Review

With injections and plastic surgery so popular in the media, its no surprise that a lot of people are rushing out to get work done. Now, don't get me wrong, if I had the extra $500 laying around, I'd probably do the same too. Probably...or maybe not. I don't totally dislike the way I look, I wouldn't mind some updates here and there. But I do have the fear of something going wrong and looking worse. So, instead of resorting to botox and injections, I really try to take care of myself and use skincare products to keep myself looking as youthful as I can. Aging is inevitable, but I can at least try to do it gracefully.
We can get into the whole routine another time, right now I want to specifically talk about lips. Yes yes, those luscious things that keep getting bigger and bigger all over the internet. When I was in college I was on the hunt for a natural way to increase lip size, not by a lot, but just enough to give me a sassier pout. While I did come across the lip glosses that make your lips tingles and swell them up due to a reaction, I wondered if there was something that would give you the effect while you didn't have the gloss on. It was then when I discovered City Lips by City Beauty.

When I saw the price tag of $35 I had to do all the research I could to be sure a tube of lip gloss was actually worth that price. I was a college student for crying out loud. Through research and reviews I found out this product was a bit different than the others, instead of a temporary plump, you could actually achieve a little extra volume through consistent use. Instead of just swelling your lips, it's actually repairing the underlying structure to reveal more youthful lips!

They use Hyaluronic acid (which is actually used in lip injections) to deliver hydration and visible plumping results, oligopeptides to enhance lip volume and smooth the appearance of lines, and multiple moisturizers. I can tell you it definitely was working. Not only did I see a definite difference while wearing the gloss, I was noticing smoother, healthier looking lips when I wasn't. It definitely became a staple in my routine. Until I graduated...and I needed to be a bit more frugal.

Now, a few years later, I got an email from City Beauty about a 2 for $35 sale and thought now is the time to bring them back into my routine. So I ordered those glorious tubes and filmed a nice a little review. 
